If you want to be Extraordinary, find out what ordinary people do and then just don't do it.
Elon Musk has been quoted as saying, “I think it’s possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary.” Now, whether you view him as the real-life Tony Stark, most of us view him as an exception among the humble stock of this planet. But even Elon Iron-Man Musk believes that any ordinary person -- you included -- can become extraordinary. As someone who was far below average, I had to scratch and claw just to reach mediocrity. But by that point I had put so much effort in that I figured, “Why not just go all the way?” So I improved my skills as a writer and coach with a goal of never-stopping, and I succeeded in making an excellent living doing what I loved most. I like to call this process extraordinification . And if you’ll stick with me for an article, I’ll teach you it to you. Spoiler alert: You definitely won’t turn into Musk/Stark, and you probably won’t amass a hundredth of his fortune. But that’s not...